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Top Ranking Mu Online


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Mu Online

Season 15


Version: Season 14 Episode 1-2
Experience: x1000
Master EXP: x300
Majestic EXP: x400
Max Lvl Master : 800
Drop: 70%
Elf NPC Buff Till: ON (till level 350)
Max Stats: 62000
Points Per Level: 5/6/7
Reset Level: 400

Clear Stats: ON
Clear Magic/Spells: OFF
Clear Inventory: OFF
]Clear Class: OFF
Reset price: 25kk * resets
Points for Reset: 600 points * resets
Max GR: 25

GR Requirements: 100 resets
GR price: 500kkk

Clear Stats: ON
Clear Magic/Spells: OFF
Clear Inventory: OFF
Clear Class: OFF
Points per GR: 10000 points * GR
Reward: 5000 Gold Coins


Monster HP: 100%
All the PCs released from level 1
Off Trade System: ON
Off Level System: ON
Marry System: ON
Auto Reconnect System: ON
Gens System: ON
Goblin System: ON (earn 10 goblin point every 30 minutes)
Master Skill Tree: ON
Guild Create Level: 150
Bonus Event: ON (bonus EXP in specific time 2 times per day)
Cash Shop 'X': ON (pets, EXP buffs and more)
Extra EXP: ON (extra EXP in Events)
Several events enhanced and modified to offer more fun
PVP: Balanced, worked for months and in constant evolution according to the updates that keep coming
If you have any questions or suggestions, you can do so freely from the forum or on social networks.
Expanded maps with the battlemap system
And More

